
Wordpress3年前 (2022)发布 SUYEONE
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WordPress comes with built-in functionality that enables you to schedule posts for automatic publication at a later time. However, you might encounter instances where scheduled posts don’t publish at all. In this article, we’ll discuss solutions to the problem of missed scheduled posts in WordPress. Issues with your WordPress hosting environment or plugin conflicts can lead to WordPress missing scheduled posts. Normally, when you schedule a post for future publishing, WordPress uses a mechanism called “Cron” or “WordPress Cron” to automatically publish it on time. But if your WordPress hosting server or plugins are affecting cron jobs, WordPress will miss these scheduled tasks, such as publishing scheduled posts. When this occurs, other cron jobs like checking for updates or deleting auto-saved drafts may still work occasionally. The issue only becomes evident when WordPress fAIls to publish your blog posts at the designated times. While this isn’t a frequent occurrence for most users, some might experience it as a recurring problem. Let’s explore how to easily fix the issue of missed scheduled posts in WordPress.

To address the issue of missed scheduled posts in WordPress, the first step is to install and activate the ‘Missed Scheduled Post Publisher’ plugin. This plugin works out of the box and doesn’t require any configuration.

The plugin checks your Website every 15 minutes to see if any scheduled WordPress posts have missed their publication time. If it detects any missed scheduled items, it changes their status from ‘Scheduled’ to ‘Published.’ It works for posts, pages, products, and any custom post types on your WordPress site.

If installing the plugin doesn’t immediately resolve the issue on your website, try these adDiTional tips:

1. Verify your WordPress Timezone Settings:
Setting the timezone is one of the first things to do after installing WordPress. Sometimes, users overlook this step, resulting in a mismatch between their WordPress timezone and the one they want for publishing and managing their site. Go to Settings » General and scroll down to the ‘Timezone’ section. Select your timezone or the one you prefer for your WordPress site. Don’t forget to click ‘Save Changes’ to apply the settings.

2. Clear WordPress Cache:
If your WordPress posts are still not appearing on schedule, it could be due to incorrect cache plugin configuration. Try clearing your WordPress cache and ensure your caching plugin is correctly set up to automatically clear the cache regularly.

3. Increase WordPress MEMOry Limit:
Your WordPress site might be experiencing memory issues. You can resolve this by allowing WordPress to use more server memory, ensuring better performance. Add the following code to your `wp-config.php` file, just before the line that says “That’s all, stop editing! Happy blogging.”

define(‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ‘500M’);

We hope this article helps you fix the issue of missed scheduled posts in WordPress.

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