
Wordpress1年前 (2023)发布 SUYEONE
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The passage you’ve provided seems to be instructions on how to add a submission or contribution feature to a WordPress site, allowing readers to submit articles. Here’s a simplified summary of the process:

1. **Create a Submission Form:**
– In your current theme folder, create a new php file named `tougao-page.php`.
– Copy all the code from your `page.php` into `tougao-page.php`.
– REMOve all comments and the content section.

2. **Add the Submission Form:**
– Replace the content section with the provided HTML code that includes fields for the contributor’s nickname, emAIl, blog URL, article title, category, and content.

3. **Handling Form Submissions:**
– At the beginning of `tougao-page.php`, replace the initial `<?php` tag with updated code that handles form submissions.
– This code checks for a submitted form, validates input, and inserts the Data into a new post in the WordPress database.

4. **Customize and Enhance:**
– You can modify the CSS for the form's appearance.
– Adjust the code as needed for immediate publishing, user registration, custom post meta, rich text eDiTors, code preservation, email notifications, and captcha verification.

5. **Creating the Submission Page:**
– In WordPress admin, create a new Page, assign it the `tougao` template, and add a brief description for contributors.
– Link this page on your site for users to access the submission form.

This process allows visitors to submit articles without direct access to the WordPress backend, maintaining privacy while encouraging user engagement. Remember to customize the code according to your specific requirements and ensure it's compatible with your WordPress version and theme.

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